Welcome to ‘The Art Of Positive Change’, thanks for being here.
My name is Siobhain Danaher, I am a Lean Business Strategist, Writer, Travel Photographer and an Optimist. I live in the Irish West Limerick countryside with my boyfriend Mike.
I have many passions in life, among them are Travel and Photography which I share with the world through my blog The Photographer’s Guide To Travel.
Other passions of mine are Lean principles/culture and personal positive change which is why I have created this website.
Lean in Business and Positive Change in Life is my philosophy.
My vision for this website is to share valuable content with you from the world of Lean and the world of personal development so you may create more time, space and abundance in your professional and personal life.
Thanks to everyone who has been part of my journey through life and through Lean and who continue to inspire me with their quest and commitment to making the working environment and the world a better place – you all know who you are!!
I can be contacted through any of the social media networks listed on the top and at the end of this page.
If you want to learn more about creating effective change in your life and/or business, download my free e-book ‘The A-Z of Effective Change’ below.
Thanks for reading,
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