Image credit – the brilliant Andy Kefford
The first step to creating effective change in life and business is awareness.
Awareness that something has to change, awareness that something is not working for you, awareness that you want something different.
Awareness comes from that feeling of something not being quiet right, that feeling that you know things could be better, that feeling that there is more for you.
Maybe you have had that feeling for years, maybe you have had that feeling for only a few minutes, however long you have had this feeling it now becomes an awareness, an awareness that change is needed and when you become aware the journey towards effective change can start.
As we navigate through our personal and professional lives, what we need expands and evolves. When we become aware of something and want to change it, we have two choices. The first choice is to do nothing resulting in no change, this awareness without change is a missed opportunity and those feelings of something not being quiet right do not go away. The feelings stay but without change will become suppressed.
The second choice is to take action.
Wouldn’t you rather take a step forward and change than remain where you are?
The second choice sets us on the path of change, then purposeful, focused and consistent action will move us along this path which is so much better than staying where we are.
One of my favourite Maya Angelou quotes is
‘Nothing works unless you do’ Maya Angelou
This is so true when it comes to creating effective change in your business and your life. Become aware and take purposeful, focused and consistent action until the change you envisage becomes a reality.
[tweetthis]‘Awareness is all about restoring your freedom to choose what you want instead of what your past imposes on you’ Deepak Chopra[/tweetthis]
You can get a copy of my free e-book ‘The A-Z Of Effective Change’ of which this post is a part of by popping your e-mail into the form below,
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