Category Archives: A-Z of Effective Change


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Thanks to the brilliant Andy Kefford for the above image

Faith can have many different meanings. It can mean an inner faith, an unwavering belief in yourself, in your talents, in your ability to change, in your gifts, attributes and all round goodness. To some people faith can mean a belief in something bigger than themselves, a purpose, a grand vision, a religion. No matter what faith means to you, it will be challenged along the path of change. Your faith will be tested by external factors, by life itself and your faith will even be tested and challenged by yourself.

 Is this the right change for me? 

Am I doing the right thing?

What if I don’t change? 

All the doubting questions we ask ourselves will test even the strongest of faiths. It’s easy to keep faith through good times however it is through the difficult and rough times that your faith will really be tested and it is then that you must believe and have faith in yourself. Know that you are capable of change, have faith in your capabilities, your resilience, your reasons for change and the results you want to achieve.

Keeping your faith alive and strong will ensure you stay true to yourself and the change you envision.

[tweetthis]‘Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.’  Bruce Lee[/tweetthis]

If you want to learn more about creating effective change in your life and/or business, download my free e-book ‘The A-Z of Effective Change’ below.

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Thanks to the brilliant Andy Kefford for the above image

Energy. Keeping your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual energy levels at an optimum will ensure you have the energy and vitality required for change. However you keep your energy levels high, scheduling time in your day to build your energy levels will go a long way to assist you on your journey of change. It could be 60 minutes at the gym, 30 minutes reading, 10 minutes of meditation  or 5 minutes of solitude.

In this fast paced digital world we may think that we need to have high energy all the time to keep up with the many demands of our busy lives. Having high energy is important, however having low energy is just as important and both energy levels are required to create balance. As humans our energy levels are cyclical just like the seasons of nature that evolve into each other, just like night follows day, and just like the tides flow and ebb, each phase allows the other to co-exist. 

When you are in a low energy phase allow yourself to take the foot off the pedal, be kind to yourself, relax, recuperate and enjoy the deep feeling of contentment that this can bring. This will serve you well when the time for high energy reappears. 

[tweetthis]‘I surround myself with good people who make me feel great and give me positive energy.’  Ali Krieger[/tweetthis]

If you want to learn more about creating effective change in your life and/or business, download my free e-book ‘The A-Z of Effective Change’ below. 

Thanks for reading,


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Thanks to the brilliant Andy Kefford for the above image

Dedication. Effective and sustainable change is a never ending journey which is why dedication is so important.To ensure change is implemented you must be dedicated to it. Even more dedication is required to ensure the implemented change is sustained. 

Ask yourself the following questions, why do I want to change, why is this change so important, what will the benefits be, what will the consequences be if I don’t change, how much do I want this change?

Keep the answers to the above questions to the front of your mind as they will give you the determination you need to move ahead and succeed when times get tough as they inevitably will.

In order to succeed we need consistent, daily discipline and determination to stay on track. 

[tweetthis]‘We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.’  Jesse Owens[/tweetthis]

If you want to learn more about creating effective change in your life and/or business, download my free e-book ‘The A-Z of Effective Change’ below. 

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Image Credit – the brilliant Andy Kefford

Confidence. When you have decided to create change in your life you will need high levels of  self confidence in yourself and in your ability to change. 

Change often brings feelings of uncertainty, fear and anxiety. 

Every time we make bring something new into our lives or learn something new, it requires a new and higher level of confidence to deal with those feelings of uncertainty, fear and anxiety. Continuously building your inner confidence will diminish and alleviate these feelings of uncertainty, fear and anxiety. 

These are normal feelings towards change, however if we do not deal with and alleviate these feelings they will hold us back. We can procrastinate and in some instances we can convince ourselves that we no longer need or want to change. 

The best way to deal with feelings of uncertainty, fear & anxiety and the obstacles they create is to develop confidence – inner, unshakable self confidence. 

As you build your inner confidence, you will inspire others to have confidence in themselves as they navigate the ever evolving path of change.  As humans, we are capable of anything we put our minds to. The first step of achieving our dreams is having the inner confidence to believe we can. 

[tweetthis]‘Through my education, I didn’t just develop skills, I didn’t just develop the ability to learn, but I developed confidence.’  Michelle Obama [/tweetthis]

Pinky’s image below is inspired by 80s band Journey’s hugely successful song ‘Don’t Stop Believing’. Playing, singing and dancing to this excellent song at high volume will do wonders for your self-confidence! 

If you want to learn more about creating effective change in your life and/or business, download my free e-book ‘The A-Z of Effective Change’ below. 

Thanks for reading,


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Image Credit – the brilliant Andy Kefford 

Bravery. Change of all kinds can be challenging as it means stepping into the unknown. 

Change means stepping out of your comfort zone which is difficult and uncomfortable. What if we didn’t change? Yes, we would continue to feel happy enough in our comfort zones, but that’s not where anything or anyone grows!

Comfort zones are meant to be stepped outside of every now and then to see what it is we must learn to grow and develop. Even stepping out of our comfort zone by one or two steps requires bravery. Some people welcome change with open arms, some are filled with fear at the thoughts of even the smallest change and some are in between the two extremes.

Whether the change you are making is personal or professional, whether it is big or small, whether it is something you wished for or didn’t wish for, all change requires bravery on some level.

Bravery is deciding to change. 

Bravery is taking action to change. 

Bravery is stepping outside of your comfort zone.

Bravery is becoming comfortable with the results of change. 

Bravery is doing what is needed to sustain change for the long term. 

When it comes to change in your professional and personal life, take a deep breath, be brave, be very brave and take that next step forward.

What could you achieve with more bravery?

[tweetthis]‘I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.’ Nelson Mandela[/tweetthis]

This post is dedicated to my Dad, Con Danaher, who is the bravest person I know and through his humble braveness he has taught me to be brave and more happy than ever to venture into the unknown!

You can get a copy of my free e-book ‘The A-Z Of Effective Change’ of which this post is a part of by popping your e-mail into the form below,

Thanks for reading,


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Image credit – the brilliant Andy Kefford 

The first step to creating effective change in life and business is awareness.

Awareness that something has to change, awareness that something is not working for you, awareness that you want something different. 

Awareness comes from that feeling of something not being quiet right, that feeling that you know things could be better, that feeling that there is more for you.

Maybe you have had that feeling for years, maybe you have had that feeling for only a few minutes, however long you have had this feeling it now becomes an awareness, an awareness that change is needed and when you become aware the journey towards effective change can start. 

As we navigate through our personal and professional lives, what we need expands and evolves. When we become aware of something and want to change it, we have two choices. The first choice is to do nothing resulting in no change, this awareness without change is a missed opportunity and those feelings of something not being quiet right do not go away. The feelings stay but without change will become suppressed. 

The second choice is to  take action.

Wouldn’t you rather take a step forward and change than remain where you are?

The second choice sets us on the path of change, then purposeful, focused and consistent action will move us along this path which is so much better than staying where we are. 

One of my favourite Maya Angelou quotes is 

 ‘Nothing works unless you do’ Maya Angelou

This is so true when it comes to creating effective change in your business and your life. Become aware and take purposeful, focused and consistent action until the change you envisage becomes a reality.

[tweetthis]‘Awareness is all about restoring your freedom to choose what you want instead of what your past imposes on you’ Deepak Chopra[/tweetthis]

You can get a copy of my free e-book ‘The A-Z Of Effective Change’ of which this post is a part of by popping your e-mail into the form below,

Thanks for reading,


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