In the Lean world we carry out an Annual Hansei which is Japanese for annual self reflection.
Annual self reflection allows us to reflect on what has worked well in the past year so we can celebrate & build on the successes.
It also allows us to reflect on what didn’t work well in the past year so we can adjust & change direction.
I will be happy to see the end of 2023.
2023 has by far been the hardest and most challenging year of my life.
My beloved and adored Dad was really ill in early 2023 and passed away on 6th August. Because of this immense loss, no challenging time before 2023 even came close to the heartache and sadness of 2023.
I reached very few goals in 2023 which was similar to 2021 & 2022. This has made me realise that no matter how much we plan, the path that is meant for us will always be the path we travel.
This path is not necessarily what we plan for!
Whatever 2023 brought you, I hope you find time to reflect on your year, leave behind what doesn’t serve you and bring into 2024 everything that supports & nurtures you.
I use the Wheel of Life below to categorise my life. The categories of my life are Sense of Self, Relationships, Health, Work, Finance, Recreation, Environment & Contribution.
When reflecting on your year, you can use these categories or create some of your own.

Here is my Annual Review for 2023.
1. Relationships:
My beloved Dad passed away on August 6th 2023. That day was the worst day of my life and every day since has been a real challenge. I miss Dad every minute of every day.
Dad was a great man, a great Dad, everything about him was just great.
I got to spend a huge amount of time with my Dad in his last months and I was by his side during his illness. It’s hard to express just how grateful and blessed I am for this precious time, as well as the previous 49 years we had together.
My awareness of how precious time is was heightened this year as I was reminded that our time is not finite, we don’t have a never ending supply of time.
One day our time with those we love runs out! One day our own time runs out!
Everything else in 2023 paled into insignificance for me. My priority was my Dad and now my priority is learning to live with his physical absence.
The loss of a loved one changes everything.
I’m different, my world is different, my perspective on the world is different.
Everything is different.
2. Sense of Self:
In 2023 I added ‘Sense of Self’ to the categories of my life.
In 2023 personal development which I had been doing for decades was no longer working for me. Personal strategy which I had been doing for over a decade was no longer working for me.
I knew I needed something more meaningful and impactful.
Sense of Self combines my story, spirituality, personal development, personal strategy and my relationship with myself.
This category is all about who I am, who I want to be, who I need to be to achieve my dreams and how I feel about myself and the world around me.
Here is where I also work on the concepts of self love, self worth, self esteem, self belief, self trust, self confidence, self assurance, self understanding, self respect, self awareness and self observation.
2023 was a very challenging year for me and I feel my Sense of Self was on shaky ground. This shaky ground probably started a few years ago but 2023 made it even more unstable.
In saying that, the challenges of 2023 brought me immense personal growth & learnings. These learnings and personal growth have been very difficult and painful – the saying ‘no pain no gain’ comes to mind!
3. Health:
There is no truer saying than health is wealth, the quality of every area of our lives is totally dependant on our health.
I have always been aware of the importance of physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual health and over the past few years, for many reasons, this awareness has been brought to a deeper level.
In 2022 & 2023 I watched loved ones deal with ill health which was really challenging and reinforced the importance of dedicating time & energy to learning about and improving our physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual health.
2023 was challenging for me in all areas of my health and I didn’t reach any of the goals I set for myself. I actually went backwards in terms of most of my health goals.
In March, I injured my back skiing and that injury stayed with me all year albeit improving bit by bit throughout the year.
The loss of my Dad greatly impacted my health. I don’t fully comprehend how but I am working to understand this.
Improving our physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual health is a journey and just like any other journey, it’s important to keep learning & moving forward no matter the pace!!
4. Work:
I currently spend the least time in this category which is ironic as for 25 years it was where I spent the most time!
Work has changed dramatically for me over the past few years. I left my day job in October 2021 and wanted to set up own business but life had other plans for me!
I took time off and am still on time off!
This time off work has been life changing.
No job, salary or money can compete with how precious this time has been.
Having this time off work in 2023 meant I had a huge amount of time with my Dad during the last stage of his life – that time was the most precious gift of my entire life.
One of my writing goals for 2023 was to improve my writing.
At the beginning of 2023 I had become unhappy and disillusioned with my writing and had written many blog posts & emails that will never see the light of day. They are my writing and my words but they did not align with who I am and with the type of writing I want to do.
My writing did not adequately reflect how my life has changed in the past few years and how I have evolved as a person.
- I wanted my writing to be richer, deeper, more meaningful, and more impactful for me and for you, the reader
- Also I wanted to write more from a place of transparency & openness to see where it takes me
My writing is definitely on it’s way to being richer, deeper, more meaningful, more transparent and more open but it is a journey, possibly one that will last as long as I continue to write.
Another one of my writing goals for 2023 was to write more.
I am for the first time in my life, writing more than I am sharing. This is a huge milestone for me and means because as I write more, I can write better!
This has been a dream of mine for a very long time.
In terms of work I still want to set up my own business, I’m just not ready yet.
At some stage I will need to think about how to balance my precious time off with the writing I want to do but for the moment I’m just going to continue to enjoy the balance I currently have.
5. Finance:
The more I learn about personal finance the more I wish personal finance was a subject I learned in school, it certainly would have saved me much trial and error. Just like health – finance is a journey of which learning & understanding are constant companions.
In 2023 I changed much of my financial landscape. I wanted to simplify & streamline my finances to make them work better for me.
Renovating and selling an investment property in 2023 will allow me to make more diverse financial decisions in 2024.
I completed a number of smaller financial projects which were all aimed at streamlining my finances and moving step by step towards financial freedom.
My top 3 financial learnings of 2022 stand firm for 2023 also,
- One of the most important elements of finance is mindset – one person can receive €100 and feel rich and another could receive €1,000,000 and feel it’s not enough. The difference has nothing to do with numbers, it’s money mindset.
There are 2 types of money mindset – abundance and scarcity – both will dictate your relationship with money and how freely it flows in and out of your life and also how much you enjoy earning and spending money.
- Abundance is not just about money – when I left my day job in October 2021 my income dramatically reduced but I felt more abundant in so many other areas of my life. Abundance is also about love, time, health, freedom and everything else that money cannot buy.
The abundance of love, time, health & freedom brings me more joy than any amount of money ever could!
- Time is more valuable than money – this is not a learning but a teaching from Jim Rohn. Jim’s quote about time and money is one of my all time favourites.
‘Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time’.
Every day I am learning the true essence of this quote. Now that I no longer trade my time for money, I see the true value of time which is priceless – absolutely priceless.
6. Recreation:
This category could be combined with relationships as it is with those I love that I have the most fun times. No-one makes me laugh out loud more than those I love and those who love me – these people are food for my soul!
I spent much time in 2023 with my Dad who always made me laugh. My Dad had a brilliant sense of humour which my brother’s and I each inherited some of.
My Dad and I and always laughed and joked when in each other’s company. Even through his illness and last days, he was smiling and joking and reminding us how important it is to laugh and keep things light!
Mike and I also share the same sense of humour and so our home is always filled with much laughter of which I am immensely grateful for.
I didn’t have much of a social life in 2023 which suited where my life was in 2023. Maybe I’ll be a little more social in 2024 – who knows!
7. Environment:
For me, environment is about our planet on a global scale and our beautiful home on a personal level.
In 2022 I started decluttering our home using the techniques in Marie Kondo’s brilliant book ‘The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up’. I continued with this in 2023 however implementing these techniques took way longer than I had thought and so it will continue well into 2024.
I’m a minimalist in that I don’t have or need much stuff but I only realised how much stuff I actually have when I started to declutter it!
8. Contribution:
I continue to give to charities, albeit not at the level I would have when I was working.
In 2023 I became more aware of the contribution I make to the world in terms of my time & skills and the contributions I make which aren’t monetary. We all contribute to the world in so many ways that we don’t even notice, this has been an unexpected education for me!
That’s it, my 2023 in review.
I am happy to say goodbye to 2023, it was a year of immense pain, heartache and loss.
Thank you for reading my blog posts and your kind words during 2023, I really appreciate your support.
I hope whatever 2023 brought you that you can build on & learn from it. May 2024 bring you and your loved ones health, happiness, peace & prosperity.
Thanks for reading,
x x x
If you want to carry out your own Annual Review, below is a list of blog posts to support you.
5 Reasons To Prioritise Your Annual Review
3 Steps To Your Annual Review
This is the 11th year I have shared my Annual Review here on my blog, my previous Annual Reviews can be found here,
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022