My Journey Through the Stress Performance Curve

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The Stress Performance Curve is pretty self-explanatory, the more stressed we get the further along the curve we move. Here is an explanation of the different zones on the curve.   

 1. Boredom Zone

In the first zone there is very low stress and we are bored. Stay here too long and you will feel the effects of boreout which are just as dangerous as burnout. If you are in this zone in your life or work your mental, emotional, physical & spiritual health is at risk. 

Performance in this zone is next to nothing.  

2. Comfort Zone

As our stress levels increase we move into our comfort zone, this is manageable stress and is on the way to peak performance. It is comfortable here but there is no growth and if you stay here too long, you will slip back into the boredom zone. 

Performance in this zone is higher than in the boredom zone but not at it’s best.  

3. Stretch Zone

As pressure & stress increases, we move into the stretch zone. This is where our minds & bodies are being stretched. You know that feeling when you’ve got a lot on your plate but you’re totally in control, you are busy but you are really enjoying it. 

This is the zone where your level of stress and your level of performance are at their optimal. This is where everyone wants to be – not stressed, not overloaded, not under pressure but challenged, stretched & at absolute peak performance.  

This is where we do our best work. 

This is where we live our best lives.

This is where our mind, body and soul are at optimum health. 

This is where we excel.

In a Lean Culture, this is where employees are the happiest, most productive and where we should aim to stay. When employees are working in this zone they are healthy, happy, engaged, committed, learning, problem solving and enjoying their roles. 

Businesses that support their employees to stay in this zone thrive. 


4. Strain Zone

As pressure and stress levels increase we now move into the strain zone. We no longer feel in control and we start to feel under pressure, overloaded, too much on our plate and it’s hard to see the wood from the trees. In this zone we are no longer operating an optimum level – our performance, interest, happiness, health and energy levels decrease and everything starts to go downhill. 

Performance in this zone is diminished and reduces every day you stay here. 

In this zone we have two choices. One – to continue with the workload, continue taking on pressure and stress and hope it somehow alleviates. This is not a wise choice and we just continue on the slippery slope towards burnout. 

The other choice is to STOP. 

Stop taking on work, stop taking on activities, stop taking on pressure & stress. Remove as much as we can from our workload. This is a very wise choice and as you start to remove items from your to-do list you will start to move backwards through the Stress Performance Curve. 

5. Burnout Zone

When you are in the strain zone and you continue you to take on activities/work and continue to add to your to-do list you will eventually end up in the the burnout zone. 

You may think you are getting loads done, that you are ploughing through stuff and you are on your A-game but you are not. You are now back to the level of performance that you were when you were in the boredom zone. 

Performance in this zone is next to nothing.

You may be getting things done but there is no time for thinking, no time for creativity, no time for imagination, no time for innovation, no time for rest, relaxation and recuperation, no time for anything only the to-do list. Whilst you are getting to your to-do list, the pace and quality of work is immensely diminished.

In this zone it’s fight or flight and that’s about it. 

Not only is this not sustainable but it is also dangerous to your mental, emotional, physical & spiritual health. There is no enjoyment in what you are doing and you wondering is the to-do list ever going to end! You probably become irritable, unfulfilled, unhappy, unproductive and apathetic. 

This is a very real and dangerous place to find yourself in. 

If you are here, do everything you can to get out of this zone, your health is more at risk than you would imagine. 

The Stress Performance Curve is fascinating and the amount of time we spend in each of the zones and how long it takes us to go from one zone to another different for us all. 

Here is an insight into my journey through the Stress Performance Curve which I hope I never repeat:

In hindsight I probably started 2021 in the stretch zone. In 2020 I had taken on a serious amount of work outside of my day job and even through I absolutely loved every minute of it, I knew I was stretched.

In early 2021 I started doing webinars and launched my first online course ‘Kickstart Your Personal Strategy’ which is something I am very passionate about and was excited to teach it. I was spending lots of time writing/editing blog posts and on social media. Add this to a very busy day job on top of lockdown and it wasn’t long before I started to move into the strain zone.  

Of course all of this is in hindsight and in hindsight we have 20:20 vision!

For most of early 2021, I just felt under pressure all day everyday. There was too much my plate, I had committed to too much and I was working way too many hours. 

 Looking back at my journalling around that time, all of my healthy habits that I had spend years building to sustain balance in my life were gone. By the time April came around that was it I was in the burnout zone. 

If you’ve been burned out or are currently functioning in the burnout zone it is not a pretty place to be.

 it’s not enjoyable, it’s not happy, it’s not fulfilling, it’s not productive, it’s not anything that you would actually want for your life. In this zone everything becomes a challenge, the normal day-to-day activities like exercising, socialising, thinking straight –  it’s all so overwhelming. 

When I finally realised I was burned out I made the decision to STOP. I stopped everything except my day job, I stopped writing blog posts, I stopped creating content, I stopped doing webinars, I stopped social media.


When you stop everything and remove workload from your plate, it doesn’t mean that you automatically go back to the optimal performance stretch zone. It takes time for your mind, body and soul to re-adjust, to get out of that fight or flight mode and to come back into some level of normality. 

As I started to move through the strain & stretch phase I finally found myself in the comfort phase. I had successfully removed enough from my plate that I felt comfortable with my workload again. 

Naively, I thought that was the end of my journey through the Stress Performance Curve but it wasn’t. I was now working on my day job only and not all of passions outside of work. This presented me with 2 problems. 

One, I missed writing & creating content etc but I knew I couldn’t take it all on again without going back to the burnout zone. 

Two, I was no longer enjoying my role at work and was operating in the boredom zone there. Operating here is just as detrimental to health as the strain & burnout zones. Even though I was busy, I was no longer doing work that challenged, excited or motivated me.

And so, I made the decision to leave my day job to focus solely on and build a business around my passions in life which are Lean Culture/Strategy, Writing & Travel Photography. 

Knowing about and understanding the symptoms of each of the zones of the Stress Performance Curve goes a long way to ensuring you stay in the stretch zone or at least not too far away from it!

Human beings are not machines, we all have limits and going past those limits damages our most valuable asset, our health! 

Where are you on the Stress Performance Curve? 

How long have you been there?

Are you aware when you are heading into the Strain and Burnout Zones?

Are you aware when you are heading into the Comfort and Boredom Zones?

How do you keep yourself at peak performance in the Stretch Zone? 

How do you keep your team and  business at peak performance in the Stretch Zone? 

Thanks for reading,


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The Stress Performance Curve

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The Stress Performance Curve is pretty self-explanatory, the more stressed we get the further along the curve we move. Here is an explanation of the different zones on the curve.   

 1. Boredom Zone

In the first zone there is very low stress and we are bored. Stay here too long and you will feel the effects of boreout which are just as dangerous as burnout. If you are in this zone in your life or work, your mental, emotional, physical & spiritual health is at risk. 

Performance in this zone is next to nothing.  

2. Comfort Zone

As our stress levels increase we move into our comfort zone, this is manageable stress and is on the way to peak performance. It is comfortable here but there is no growth and if you stay here too long, you will slip back into the boredom zone. 

Performance in this zone is higher than in the boredom zone but not at it’s best.  

3. Stretch Zone

As pressure & stress increases, we move into the stretch zone. This is where our minds & bodies are being stretched. You know that feeling when you’ve got a lot on your plate but you’re totally in control, you are busy but you are really enjoying it. 

This is the zone where your level of stress and your level of performance are at their optimal. Everyone wants to be here – not stressed, not overloaded, not under pressure but challenged, stretched & at absolute peak performance.  

This is where we do our best work. 

This is where we live our best lives.

This is where our mind, body and soul are at optimum health. 

This is where we excel.

In a Lean Culture, this is where employees are the happiest, most productive and where we should aim to stay. When employees are working in this zone they are healthy, happy, engaged, committed, learning, problem solving and enjoying their roles. 

Businesses that support their employees to stay in this zone thrive. 


4. Strain Zone

As pressure and stress levels increase we now move into the strain zone. We no longer feel in control and we start to feel under pressure, overloaded, too much on our plate and it’s hard to see the wood from the trees. In this zone we are no longer operating an optimum level – our performance, interest, happiness, health and energy levels decrease and everything starts to go downhill. 

Performance in this zone is diminished and reduces every day you stay here. 

In this zone we have two choices. One – to continue with the workload, continue taking on pressure and stress and hope it somehow alleviates. This is not a wise choice and we just continue on the slippery slope towards burnout. 

The other choice is to STOP. 

Stop taking on work, stop taking on activities, stop taking on pressure & stress. Remove as much as we can from our workload. This is a very wise choice and as you start to remove items from your to-do list you will start to move backwards through the Stress Performance Curve. 

5. Burnout Zone

When you are in the strain zone and you continue you to take on activities/work and continue to add to your to-do list you will eventually end up in the the burnout zone. 

You may think you are getting loads done, that you are ploughing through stuff and you are on your A-game but you are not. You are now back to the level of performance that you were when you were in the boredom zone. 

Performance in this zone is next to nothing.

You may be getting things done but there is no time for thinking, no time for creativity, no time for imagination, no time for innovation, no time for rest, relaxation and recuperation, no time for anything only the to-do list. Whilst you are getting to your to-do list, the pace and quality of work is immensely diminished.

In this zone it’s fight or flight and that’s about it. 

Not only is this not sustainable but it is also dangerous to your mental, emotional, physical & spiritual health. There is no enjoyment in what you are doing and you wondering is the to-do list ever going to end! You probably become irritable, unfulfilled, unhappy, unproductive and apathetic. 

This is a very real and dangerous place to find yourself in. 

If you are here, do everything you can to get out of this zone, your health is more at risk than you would imagine. 

The Stress Performance Curve is fascinating and the amount of time we spend in each of the zones and how long it takes us to go from one zone to another different for us all. 

Knowing about and understanding the symptoms of each of the zones of the Stress Performance Curve goes a long way to ensuring you stay in the stretch zone or at least not too far away from it!

Human beings are not machines, we all have limits and going past those limits damages our most valuable asset, our health! 

In my next blog post I give you an insight into ‘My Journey through the Stress Performance’

Where are you on the Stress Performance Curve? 

How long have your been there?

Are you aware when you are heading into the Strain and Burnout Zones?

Are you aware when you are heading into the Comfort and Boredom Zones?

How do you keep yourself at peak performance in the Stretch Zone? 

How do you keep your team and your business at peak performance in the Stretch Zone? 

Thanks for reading,


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The Importance of Time Off

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The Power of Time Off

Image Credit: Stefan Sagmeister’s Time Off timeline

In October 2021 I left my job without another which for many reasons was the right decision for me albeit a difficult one to make. I had planned to take a break to the end of 2021 and then set up my own business in early 2022.

Then I watched Stefan Sagmeister’s Ted Talk and the direction of my life changed completely.

That was over 3 years ago now and Stefan’s video still has the huge impact on my life.

Stefan Sagmeister runs a design studio in New York and every 7 years he closes it for a year to pursue some little experiments, things that are always difficult to accomplish during the regular working year. In this year Stefan and his team are not available to any of their clients as they are totally closed.’

Stefan refers to this time as a ‘A LOVELY AND VERY ENERGETIC TIME’.

That’s it, 30 seconds into this Ted Talk I was hooked. All plans of setting up and running my own business faded from my mind.

I wanted this time, I wanted ‘A LOVELY AND VERY ENERGETIC TIME’ just as Stefan had described. 

Stefan is very lucky to work on his passions of music & design but outlines that after a while even this can get boring and everything starts to look the same. This is true for any work we do, even if it is something we are deeply passionate about. We need variety and we need to be learning to nurture & fuel our creativity & innovation, keeping our work fresh & exciting. 

Below is Stefan’s genius idea in a timeline.

Stefan explains we spend roughly the first 25 years of our lives learning in some form of education, we spend roughly the next 40 years working and if we are lucky enough, we spend roughly the next 15 years in retirement.

Stefan takes 5 of these retirement years and disperses them throughout his working life – GENIUS! 

Stefan explains that this is clearly enjoyable for him but also the work that comes out of this year flows back into his company and society at large and so is beneficial to everyone. 

Stefan outlines some of the creative ideas & success that he and other companies such as 3M and Google have had by giving their employees time to creatively pursue whatever they want. It is this creativity that keeps people FRESH, CREATIVE & INNOVATIVE

It is this FRESHNESS, CREATIVITY & INNOVATION that differentiates companies that grow & succeed from companies that regress & fail. 

Thankfully this creative time allowed Art Fry to develop the Post-It while working with 3M! Anyone who knows me well knows my obsession with Post-Its! 

After 30 seconds of his Ted Talk, Stefan had inspired me to take TIME OFF.

  • Time to spend with loved ones, time to learn, time to focus on all the things I wasn’t getting to while I was working
  • Time to enjoy this ‘LOVELY AND ENERGETIC TIME’, time to fuel and nurture my creativity & innovation
  • Time to do whatever it is that I want to do

I’m currently almost 3 years into my TIME OFF and even though I didn’t plan  it to be so long, this TIME OFF has been an amazing gift. 

 Is there something you want to take TIME OFF FROM?

Do you take time to nurture & fuel your CREATIVITY & INNOVATION?

How much time do you spend pursuing what you want to pursue?

Want to join my weekly newsletter on all things positive change? Download your free ebook The A-Z of Effective Change below and I’ll see you there 😊

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6 Steps to Your Business Quarterly Review

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Image Credit: Madhuri Gupta

The end of each quarter is time to look back and reflect on how things went in the past quarter and plan for the quarter ahead. 

Having a business & personal strategy is all about creating an amazing sustainable business and creating a fulfilled, purposeful and meaningful life. Your business and personal strategy is only as good as the reviews you do and the changes you make as a result of these reviews.

When it comes to business strategy and the goals you have set, the quarterly review can be the most important as there is way more progress quarterly than can be seen daily, weekly and monthly which is always motivating. 

Ideally you are reviewing progress of your business goals daily, weekly and monthly which makes your quarterly review easier, more streamlined and more effective,

Your quarterly business review is carried out as you approach the end of a quarter so your action plan is in place for the next quarter as it begins or very shortly after. 

Here are 6 simple steps to carry out your Business Quarterly Review:

Step 1 – Review your business goals, the metrics you use to indicate progress and the progress itself

Are your goals still relevant? 

Ensuring the goals you set at the beginning of the year are still relevant is critical to the success of your business. Having irrelevant goals means you are traveling in the wrong direction which is almost worse than having no goals! 

It has never been more important to have relevant, clear, defined, meaningful, achievable and realistic business goals given the changes that have happened to business’s since the start of 2020.

 Are the goals you set at the start of 2022 still relevant to you and your business?

Are you prioritising development of and respect for you and your team?

The success of your business is directly correlated to the amount of time you spend developing and supporting your people.

There is no greater way to spend your time than supporting, developing and showing respect to your people.

Do your goals still align with your Business Vision, Mission, True North and Values? 

Your Vision is your direction. 

No Vision, no direction, no progress! 

Do your goals still align to your Vision, Mission, True North & Values of your business? 

Are you regularly communicating your Vision, Mission, True North & Values to your people?

Are you regularly making decisions aligned with your Vision, Mission, True North & Values?

If not, your direction exists only on paper which is not the best place to have it! 

Note: If you don’t have a Vision, Mission, True North & Values, now would be a good time to start thinking about creating these. No matter where you are in terms of your business, it is never too late to make positive change and that starts with Vision, Mission, True North & Values. 

Do you have the correct metrics in place? 

Your metrics should highlight progress towards your goals and should also highlight obstacles that get in the way of progress towards your goals,

Do your metrics highlight progress towards your goals?

Do your metrics highlight obstacles that get in the way of progress towards your goals?

When do you review these metrics? 

Are you measuring the right things? 

Are your metrics at the right level?

Are you improving your processes?

If you are not improving your processes, chances are your metrics are standing still or going backwards!

Process improvements = metrics moving in the right direction = goals achieved

Have you made as much progress as you planned in the past quarter? 

Have you enjoyed the progress made or has it been an uphill struggle? 

Have you over stretched yourself?

Have you under stretched yourself?

Step 2 – Evaluate what worked in terms of your goals, how were you successful?

What worked for you in the past quarter?

 What did you do that enabled this success?

 What areas of your business were successful?

 What parts of your business did you enjoy?

Step 3 – Evaluate what didn’t work in terms of your goals, what got in the way of success?

 What didn’t work for you and got in the way of your goals?

 How did you deal with and overcome these obstacles?

 What areas of your business were unsuccessful?

 What parts of your business did you not enjoy?

Step 4 – Make informed decisions about what your key focus areas for the next quarter

Based on the answers to all of the above, what ACTION will you take for the next quarter? 

Strategy reviews are only as good as the ACTIONS that are taken as a result of those reviews.

How can you support, develop and respect your people more in Q2? #PeopleFirst 😊

  • Are your 2022 goals still achievable based on progress made in the last quarter?
  • Do you need more goals to stretch yourself?
  • Do you need less goals to stop over stretching yourself?
  • Are there goals that no longer serve you?
  • What are your priority goals for the next quarter?
  • What are your non priority goals for the next quarter?
  • What will you do to continue progress in successful areas of your business?
  • What will you do to learn from and turn around unsuccessful areas of your business?
  • How will you measure progress of your goals in the next quarter?
  • What metrics will you update, add, remove?
  • How often will you update these metrics?
  • Where will you document your goals, metrics, progress?
  • How will you communicate your plans to your team?

Step 5 – Document your strategy, goals, metrics & progress

It’s really important to capture your goals, metrics & progress on your goals somewhere.  Whether you prefer physically putting pen to paper or to use something electronic there are so many options. The science behind why writing things down to enable success is outlined in the amazing book

 ‘Write It Down, Make It Happen’. 

My favourite tools are below,

Physical I love Moleskine journals for tracking progress of goals & journalling. Moleskine journals are colourful, hard wearing, long lasting journals of the highest quality. It doesn’t really matter what you use from once you write your goals down and track progress daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly that will, at the end of the year, result in your Annual Review.

Online – My tools of choice online are Google Docs & Google Sheets and Google Slides. These are almost identical to Microsoft WordExcel and PowerPoint. 

I use Asana for Project Management and absolutely love it. It has an app which is super simple to use and keeps everything in the one place and all super organised. 

These tools are all ABSOLUTELY FREE, are very easy to use and are all you need to set and track progress in your business. 

Step 6 – Learn more about Lean Business Strategy

The longer I work in Lean Business Strategy the more I learn.

There is always another level of Lean Business Strategy to move into and there is always so much to learn.

Your will learn the most about your business from your people. Take the tine to listen to them and prioritise their development. There is no end to what your talented people can teach you if you give the time to listen and learn!

If you are looking for a book on Lean Business Strategy, I highly recommend ‘Getting The Right Things Done’ by Pascal Dennis and really any other books by Pascal Dennis. 

This is my bible in terms of Lean Business Strategy and Pascal Dennis is one of my favourite Lean mentors. 

Getting The Right Things Done is an incredible book that can be visited again and again as you move deeper & deeper into the world of Business Strategy and success.

Below is a list of mentors that I follow and have learned so much from over the years from their books, podcasts etc – Marie Forleo, Amy Porterfield, Katie Anderson, Karen Martin, Pascal Dennie, Brendon Burchard, Robin Sharma, Tony Robbins, Simon Sinek, Dr Wayne Dyer (RIP), Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle. There are many more but these are my favourites!

I wish you success, health and happiness as you look back at Q1 and even more success, health and happiness as you look forward to Q2,

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Download your free e-book ‘The A-Z of Effective Change’ below.

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Do You Have Decision Fatigue?

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Do you have Decision Fatigue?

Seemingly, adults make about 35,000 DECISIONS A DAY! 

Can you imagine how taxing that is on your brain? The more we do, the more decisions we have to make, the more decisions we make the more pressure is placed on our brains, minds and bodies.

The more pressure that is on us, the less we are able to make quality decisions. 

According to Wikipedia, decision fatigue is ‘the deteriorating quality of decisions made by an individual after a long session of decision making. It is now understood as one of the causes of irrational trade-offs in decision making. Decision fatigue may also lead to consumers making poor choices with their purchases’. 

Here’s the visual explanation of that, 

To a certain point, which is different for all of us, we make good quality decisions, promptly and with confidence.

These decisions yield the results we want and we move forward with our lives & work.

Past a certain point, which again is different for all of us, we make poor quality decisions, are slow to make these decisions and make them with less confidence.

These decisions do not yield the results we want and we don’t move forward with our lives & work. 

As you can see from the graph, when you move past this point, it’s a slippery slope!!

I know this from personal experience. Early in 2021, I was making good quality decisions, promptly and with confidence.

These decisions yielded the results I wanted and I was moving forward with my life and work. 

As the year progressed and I took more & more on and became busier & busier, my decision making reduced in quality, became slower and I made decisions with a lot less confidence.

These decisions yielded the results I did not want and I wasn’t moving forward with my life & work. 

The lesson here is if you want to make good quality decisions, TAKE ON LESS.


How is your decision making? 

Are your decisions giving you the results you want or the results you don’t want?

Do you have decision fatigue? 

If so, what can you remove from your work/life to reduce or eliminate this fatigue?

Want to read more about Positive Change?

Download your FREE EBOOK ‘The A-Z of Effective Change’ below.

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Is Your Life & Work In Flow?

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Image Credit: The Internet

Have you heard of the concept of flow?

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi was a Hungarian-American psychologist who passed away on 20th October 2021. I’ve been aware of his work for ages and have become fascinated by the concept of flow. 

‘In his best selling book ‘Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience’ Csíkszentmihályi outlined his theory that people are happiest when they are in a state of flow—a state of concentration or complete absorption with the activity at hand and the situation. Flow is a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter. The idea of flow is identical to the feeling of being in the zone or in the groove. The flow state is an optimal state of intrinsic motivation, where the person is fully immersed in what they are doing. This is a feeling everyone has at times, characterised by a feeling of great absorption, engagement, fulfillment, and skill and during which temporal concerns (time, food, ego-self, etc.) are typically ignored.’  Wikipedia

Doesn’t flow sound great?

You know that feeling when you are doing something or working on something and absolutely nothing else matters. You are in a world of your own and you could keep doing the activity or work forever and it would never get boring or dull? 

This is FLOW.

It would make sense that we would want to spend as much time as possible in our personal & professional lives in a state of flow which Mihaly explains is a necessity for our happiness and well being. 

Below is Mihaly’s model of flow in relation to challenge and ability. 

‘To achieve a flow state, a balance must be struck between the challenge of the task and the skill of the performer. If the task is too easy or too difficult, flow cannot occur as both skill level and challenge level must be matched and high; if skill and challenge are low and matched, then apathy results.’ Wikipedia

How important is this model in terms of our personal and professional lives?

It is a quick and simple explanation of what we feel when we are either challenged too much or too little and what we feel when we possess or do not possess skills & abilities required to meet these challenges. 

How helpful would this be in terms of happiness in our personal and professional lives? 

What it does show is that to be happy, confident, contented & focused you need to be continuously challenged and continuously growing your skillset to match those challenges. 

Fascinating eh?

Here are two amazing Ted Talks from the late, great Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

As well as explaining flow, in the video below, Mihaly also talks about the relationship between happiness & money and how it’s not a linear relationship meaning that gaining more and more money past a certain point will not bring you happiness!

TED Talk – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi – Flow – 2004

In this Ted Talk, Mihaly goes deeper into the relationship between happiness and flow. 

Living in flow – the secret of happiness with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi at Happiness & Its Causes 2014

Lean philosophy is all about growth of people in the workplace to ensure growth of business. There wouldn’t be much growth of people or business if everyone were anxious, worried, apathetic or bored! 

Hence the necessity to prioritise people’s skill development and challenge to match.  

This ensures your workforce are alert, focused, happy, confident and contented. All necessities for people & business growth.

I’m in flow when I spend time with family & friends or when I am writing, reading, creating content, teaching, learning/researching, exercising, traveling, taking/editing photos. Not surprising then that these are my passions in life. 

When are you in flow?

Is your work/business in flow?

How can you bring more flow into your life?

Here’s to more flow in all of our lives!

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Download your free e-book ‘The A-Z of Effective Change’ below.

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Is Your Focus In or Out of Control?

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Where is your FOCUS?

Is it on what YOU CONTROL?

Is it on what YOU DON’T CONTROL?

Positive change is my passion and, when I had one, it was my day job!

Change fascinates me and the more I learn, the more I love it. 

I have learned through time & experience that there is only one thing you control in this life and that is YOURSELF. 

Everything else is OUT OF YOUR CONTROL.

Every person, every event, every situation, every single thing outside of yourself is OUT OF YOUR CONTROL. 

Because of this, wouldn’t it make sense to only give our time and energy to what WE CAN CONTROL?

In an ideal world the answer would be YES.

But we don’t live in an ideal world – we live in a messy, unpredictable, busy world where most of what we encounter during our daily lives is outside of us.

So if we don’t control what is outside of us, how do we change it?

The answer is WE DON’T, all we can control is our REACTION TO IT! 

We absolutely, 100% can control our REACTION to EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENS.

Read that again.

Easier said than done for sure. 

The next time something happens that you want to change, think about the following,

1. How can I accept this?

Eckhart Tolle in his profound and my favourite book ever ‘The Power of Now’ suggests to accept everything as if you had chosen it. Following this acceptance, Eckhart then suggests to ask what the situation is trying to teach us. This is a concept that takes a bit of getting used to but absolutely brings much peace of mind. 

Acceptance of any situation is totally IN OUR CONTROL.

2. Can I change this?

YES, then change it.

NO, how can I change how I view it?

Wayne Dyer in his masterpiece book ‘Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life’ introduces the concept of changing how we view things which doesn’t change what they are but changes our perception of them. Wayne’s beautiful quote sums up this thinking ‘If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Again, a concept that takes a bit of getting usd to but also brings much peace of mind.

How we view and think about any situation is totally IN OUR CONTROL

3. Do I need to make a plan for this long term?

If you can’t accept something and can’t change it then the only other option is to remove yourself from the situation.

This is not always straight forward or easy and might take some planning on your part. While you plan to remove yourself from the situation, acceptance and changing how you view the situation will go a long way to protecting you and your mental health. 

The situations we allow ourselves to be in is totally IN OUR CONTROL. 

4. Reflect on your reaction

The more I reflect, the more I learn about how I react in situations that I want to change and how I make decisions, big and small.

Reflection is one of the most powerful things you can do to learn more about yourself. Do you reflect on decisions you make and how you react to situations you want to change?

Reflection on and learning from every situation is totally IN OUR CONTROL. 

The next time you are faced with a situation you want to change whether it is a small situation or life changing situation, I hope the above will support you with acceptance, changing how you view the situation, planning to remove yourself from it and reflection on all of the above. 

As mentioned above, here are 2 life changing books that I love and that you might love also.. 

‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle 

By far my favourite book of all time, if you only ever read one book in your lifetime, let it be this one! Eckhart’s follow on book ‘A New Earth’ is equally as good. 

‘Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life’ by Dr Wayne Dyer

An incredible book on how to change situations by changing how we think about them which is turn totally transforms our lives. Anything by Dr. Wayne Dyer is a transformational read. 

Want to read more about Positive Change?

Download your free e-book ‘The A-Z of Effective Change’ below.

Thanks for reading,


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Is What You Think, Say & Do Aligned?

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Mahatma Gandhi is well renowned for his deep wisdom and I just love his quote,

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

Is what you THINK, SAY & DO in harmony?

This is a very simple question but takes some deep thought to answer.



Of course this is a difficult place to get to at all times but even being aware of the relationship between what you THINK, SAY & DO is a step closer to happiness. 

Here’s where unhappiness creeps in.

When we don’t say what we think, we bottle it up. 

This not only causes discord within us but can cause discord with others as we aren’t SPEAKING OUR TRUTH.

When we don’t behave aligned with what we say, we are giving off mixed signals. Again, this not only causes discord within us but can cause discord with others as we are not LIVING OUR TRUTH.

If we do the above for long enough what we THINK, SAY & DO becomes misaligned resulting in  deep happiness. 

I’m sure Mahatma Gandhi didn’t mean that we tell everyone our each and every thought. 

The interpretation I take from his quote, is more around being true to ourselves in our being.

That we are THINKING, SAYING & DOING aligned to our values and to who we are at our core. That we are speaking up for ourselves and what we believe in, that we are striving to be the very best version of ourselves that we can be.

 I am at my unhappiest when what I THINK, SAY & DO are out of alignment and at my happiest when what I THINK, SAY & DO are aligned as much as possible. 

Is what you THINK, SAY & DO aligned & in harmony?

How can you achieve more alignment in what you THINK, SAY & DO?

Here’s a super video on the power of truth telling. 

The Power of Truth Telling | Christine Carter | TEDxThacherSchool

Want to read more about Positive Change?

Download your free e-book ‘The A-Z of Effective Change’ below.

Thanks for reading,


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Where are you on the Emotional Scale?

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Image Credit: Madhuri Gupta

 Our emotions, whether consciously or subconsciously drive every single thing we do.

Emotions are not only in the driving seat, they’ve got Google Maps! 

Our emotions set the direction & determine our each and every move.

They determine what we say & how we say it, determine what we think and subsequently determine what comes in and out of our lives.

Pretty important yeah?

Well worth some time to evaluate and understand!

So, for today, tomorrow and beyond, where do you want your emotions to take you?

The image above is the Emotional Guidance Scale. This is attributed to Abraham Hicks and is a scale of emotions going from the highest of joy, empowerment, love, freedom to the lowest of  fear, powerlessness & depression. 

Take a look at the emotional scale, create some quiet time for yourself and have a think about where you currently are on this emotional scale, what are your underlying emotions each and every day?  

Of course our emotions can fluctuate during the day but at a high level we will find ourselves in and around a few numbers on the scale.

Are you on the upward spiral where you are feeling hopeful, optimistic, positive, enthusiastic & content?

 Are you on the downward spiral where you are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, disappointed, doubtful, worried, angry & discouraged?

Wherever you are on this scale, ask what is contributing to your emotions and what changes can you make to move yourself up the upward spiral.

Every one of us should be aiming for & moving towards the pinnacle of the upper scale spiral of joy, knowledge, empowerment, freedom, love and appreciation. I smile just thinking about  these words! 

After taking on way too much work & many steep learning curves last year, I was hovering around overwhelmed, frustrated, disappointed & impatient and had much work to do to climb back to the upward spiral of hopeful, positive, enthusiastic and content! 

Where are you on the Emotional Scale?

Where would you like to be?

How will you get there?

Thanks for reading,


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Want to read more about Positive Change?

Download your free e-book ‘The A-Z of Effective Change’ below.

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21 Lessons Learned in 2021

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I love looking back, reflecting on and learning from what has gone by, then using these learnings to create positive change in my life. 2021 was a year of many lessons learned, some harder than previous years but all very valuable. 

When you start to treat both wins & challenges as lessons learned, life’s ups and downs become wondrous and exciting and even the challenging times seem to have a sparkly silver lining! 

Here is 21 of my favourite lessons learned from 2021, 

  1. Time with loved ones is the most precious gift
  2. Our most important relationship is with ourselves
  3. The only person who defines our value & our worth is ourselves
  4. People are amazing, that includes YOU!
  5. Health is wealth
  6. Money cannot buy health but health is required to make money (read that again)
  7. Abundance is not just about money – it is about love, health, time, freedom and everything else important that money can’t buy 
  8. You need a vision to give you direction in life & business – no vision, no direction, no progress
  9. Where & with who we spend our time & energy directly impacts our mental, physical, emotional & spiritual health
  10. Everyone needs support and everyone deserves to be supported 
  11. Loving who you are and loving what you do is the key to inner happiness & contentment 
  12.  Burnout and boreout are very real & very damaging
  13. To create a new version of ourselves, we need to let go of the old version
  14. For introverts, solitude is just as important as oxygen
  15.  We are the authors of our own story – no-one else holds the pen
  16.  How we spend our energy is just as important as how we spend our time
  17.  No growth occurs in the comfort of our comfort zones
  18.  Everyone has challenges that most people know nothing about
  19.  Acceptance of challenging times goes a long way to overcoming them
  20.  Everything is on time and in perfect time
  21. Florence & The Machine were spot on – ‘It’s always darkest before the dawn’!

What lessons did you learn in 2021? 

How will these learnings support you in 2022? 

I’d love to know what you learned in 2021, comment below or share with me on social. 

I hope that whatever 2021 brought you, you can build on & learn from it to make 2022 your best year ever.

May 2022 bring you and your loved ones health, happiness, peace & prosperity.

Thanks for reading, stay safe,


x x

Below is a list of blog posts designed to support you with your Annual Review, you can download your ‘Annual Review Workbook’ below also. ​​

5 Steps To Your Annual Review

Get SERIOUS about your Intentions and Goals for 2022

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