I recently heard Mel Robbins talk about how to find the happiness you once had.
Mel suggests you make two lists.
- The first list is what brings you joy or what were you doing at a happier time in your life?
- The second list is how do you currently spend your days?
You then compare the lists to see if your days are filled with what makes you happy and joyful or not!
If these lists align then great – you already have happy & joyful days.
If these lists don’t align you need to align them to bring more happiness & joy into your life.
Sounds simple right?
I followed Mel’s advice and made 2 lists.
What makes me happy & joyful or what was I doing at a happier time in my life?
That’s an easy list to make – time with loved ones, time alone, reading, writing, creating, learning, travelling, photography, exercise & relaxing.
Are my days filled with these activities?
The honest answer is not as much as I would like.
If I could spend my time doing all of the above my life would not just be joyful, it would be blissful!
This tells me it’s time to make changes.
Ironically what used to bring me immense joy and made up most of my time before was work.
Work no longer brings me the joy it used to which highlights where we find joy can change as we grow and evolve.
I do want to work again in the future but it will be very different to how I worked before.
- What brings you happiness & joy or what were you doing at a happier time in your life?
- How do you currently spend your days?
- Are your lists aligned?
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