Tag Archives: Cognitive Overload

Are You Cognitively Overloaded?

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Image Credit: Marvin Meyer @Unsplash

What do you struggle to do when you don’t have enough TIME, ENERGY & MENTAL SPACE?

I struggle with my writing.

I have been hitting walls with my writing for most of this year, it’s one of the reasons I have been on a social media break since the end of March. 

Writing needs a lot of TIME, ENERGY & MENTAL SPACE.

Taking original thoughts and concepts, turning them into words that people want to read, physically writing/typing these words and then editing to ensure what you are sending out to the world is interesting and valuable – I’m getting brain fog even thinking about this. 

There are clear reasons why I have struggled with my writing – preparing to  leave my day job (without another) has totally consumed my life for the past couple of months. This wasn’t on my plans for this year yet one by one different circumstances, events and situations moved my thinking towards leaving my job and finally (after much soul searching) taking the plunge to follow my dreams into full time entrepreneurship.

When we go through big life changes – planned or unplanned, positive or challenging, wanted or unwanted it can consume us. During these times, there really isn’t too much room for anything else.

Recently I started researching this, not just because I have struggled with my writing but because I suffered serious burnout in the first 3 months of 2021 – I’ll write about that when I can process it (I get the comedic irony of that sentence!)

This research brought me to a phenomenon called ‘Cognitive Overload’ which sums up 2021 for me! I have been cognitively overloaded.

Are you cognitively overloaded?

Do you have too much on your plate?

Are you struggling to find time for what & who you love?

Are you rushing and racing through life?

Are you struggling to find time for yourself?

What gets dropped when you don’t have enough TIME, ENERGY & MENTAL SOACE?

Here’s a few articles I found on Cognitive Overload, 



And a really great Ted Talk – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWKvpFZJwcE

The end of the Ted Talk really struck a chord when Peter Doolittle said, 

‘What we process, we learn. If we are not processing life, we are not living it. LIVE LIFE. 

Have you heard of this phenomenon?

I’d love to hear how your plate is? 

Is your plate sparse?

Is your plate overflowing?

Is there too much on your plate that has led to cognitive overload?

Here’s to not being too cognitively overloaded!

Thanks for reading,


x x 

Want to learn more about positive change? Download your FREE EBOOK ‘The A-Z of Positive Change’ below. 

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