ENERGY is a currency I have only taken notice of over the past 2 years. When I left the working world, I was sure I would have sufficient time to do everything I wanted to do. The irony is I do have plenty of TIME but I don’t always have the ENERGY!
This has been a real learning curve for me and the more I learn about the currency of ENERGY the more it fascinates me.
In order to live our best lives and fulfil our dreams we need to understand how we conserve, spend, refuel and optimise our ENERGY. This is different for all of us and so it’s really important that we evaluate what works for us as individuals.
While we all have 24 hours in every day this doesn’t mean that we have 24 hours of HIGH ENERGY.
- When we don’t have ENERGY its very difficult to optimise our money
- When we don’t have ENERGY it’s very difficult to optimise our health
- When we don’t have ENERGY it’s very difficult to optimise our time
What increases our ENERGY and what depletes our ENERGY is different for all of us. What we eat, what we drink, how we sleep, what we think, where we spend our time and how we live our lives in general all have an impact on our ENERGY levels.
What we feed our minds affect our energy levels more than we realise. Self talk, our conversations & interactions with others, social media, books, podcasts all affect our ENERGY levels immensely.
Two of the biggest factors influencing our energy levels are,
1.Who we spend our time with
- Some people will refuel our ENERGY levels and give us ENERGY
- Some people will deplete our ENERGY levels and will take our ENERGY
2.Whether we are introverted or extroverted
- Introverts replenish their ENERGY levels by being in solitude
- Extroverts replenish their ENERGY levels by being in the company of others
How important is the CURRENCY OF ENERGY to you?
How do you conserve, spend, refuel and optimise your ENERGY?
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