Tag Archives: E-book


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Thanks to the brilliant Andy Kefford for the above image

Change of almost any kind requires more skills and knowledge than we currently have.

Learning and gathering knowledge on the path to change will ensure that when change happens we are more than ready for it.

There has never been an easier time to learn and build our portfolio of skills.

The internet has brought us a never ending stream of information and has allowed us to have access to mentors and coaches that before the internet we may never have known about. It has never been easier to become proficient in any area you are interested in.

There are so many avenues for learning these days. As well as online courses for absolutely everything, with the introduction of audiobooks we can now read/listen to books while we wait in the line at the shops or while we exercise using time more efficiently in terms of learning.

Podcasts by our favourite online mentors/coaches are available 24/7 on our smartphones. We have access to personal workouts in our home thanks to the fitness gurus on the countless social media sites available.

‘To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.’ Nicolaus Copernicus

With all this access to information and knowledge it is never to late to make a change, whether you are learning a new skill or completely reinventing yourself or your career.

What skills are you learning to bring about positive change in your life?

Want to read more and join my weekly newsletter on Positive Change?

Download your free e-book ‘The A-Z of Effective Change’ below

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Thanks to the brilliant Andy Kefford for the above image

Journey. Treating every change we make in our lives as a journey allows us to enjoy change without the stress and anxiety of constantly thinking about the destination. We need to know where we are going, however the more we focus on the journey and not the destination the more we allow ourselves to enjoy the process of change. 

There is a Chinese proverb that says ‘The journey is the reward’. This is something I keep in mind during times of change and more so when change is challenging.

Pinky, in the image above is at the start of his journey of change, he feels a little nervous as he is unable to see the destination. The best thing he can do is take the first step and make progress step by step allowing himself time and space to enjoy the journey even though he can’t see his final destination. 

Are you slowing down long enough to enjoy each step along the journey of change? 

Is your focus on the journey or the destination?

‘The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.’ Lao Tzu

Want to read more?

Download your free e-book ‘The A-Z of Effective Change’ below. 

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Thanks to the brilliant Andy Kefford for the above image

Honesty. If we want to implement and sustain change of any kind in our lives, we need to be honest with the world, our place in it and ourselves. This honesty requires us to look deep into ourselves to figure out who we are, what our values are, what we want from our lives, what type of lives we want to live, what direction we are going in and where we want our lives to go.

Along the journey of effective change, there are decisions to be made. In order to make the right decisions we need to be honest about why we are changing and exactly where we want  from the change. This level of self-honesty takes continuous bravery and this bravery is a lifelong work in progress. 

When we become completely honest with ourselves, we can become completely honest with the world. The path to effective change then becomes enjoyable and peaceful and will open doors for us to infinite possibilities. 

Are you being honest with yourself with what you want from life?

[tweetthis]“Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.”  Spencer Johnson[/tweetthis]

If you want to learn more about creating effective change in your life and/or business, download my free e-book ‘The A-Z of Effective Change’ below.

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Thanks to the brilliant Andy Kefford for the above image

Dedication. Effective and sustainable change is a never ending journey which is why dedication is so important.To ensure change is implemented you must be dedicated to it. Even more dedication is required to ensure the implemented change is sustained. 

Ask yourself the following questions, why do I want to change, why is this change so important, what will the benefits be, what will the consequences be if I don’t change, how much do I want this change?

Keep the answers to the above questions to the front of your mind as they will give you the determination you need to move ahead and succeed when times get tough as they inevitably will.

In order to succeed we need consistent, daily discipline and determination to stay on track. 

[tweetthis]‘We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.’  Jesse Owens[/tweetthis]

If you want to learn more about creating effective change in your life and/or business, download my free e-book ‘The A-Z of Effective Change’ below. 

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