Another year has whizzed by and it’s time for your Annual Review – how fast did that year go?
That’s the thing with time, it literally flies by which is why it’s so important to live and love every single minute you have.
How do you make the most out of every single minute?
You plan for it which you can do by setting intentions & goals.
What else can you do?
You can look back and review your progress to learn what works for you & what doesn’t work for you and change your direction accordingly.
We are our OWN GREATEST TEACHERS and so reflecting on our experiences brings us so much wisdom.
The ‘3 Steps to Your Annual Review’ is easy to follow – no jargon, no fancy words and will take as much time as you want to dedicate to it.
Here’s a few tips on preparing for your Annual Review.
- Print your Annual Review Workbook (you can download it at the end of this blog post) – you can also use a journal/notebook or an online document. I document my Annual Review in Moleskine journals and use Google Suite tools for online documentation throughout the year.
- Schedule time in your busy calendar – I usually take about 3 days to do this. That may sound like a lot of time but it is time well spent when you think of the amount you will learn. No matter how long this takes you, the most important thing is that you schedule and take this time for yourself.
- Refer to your Wheel of Life as you answer each question – keep in mind the key areas of your life in your Wheel of Life. If you haven’t created a Wheel of Life, you can use mine below. The areas of my Wheel of Life are Sense of Self, Health, Relationships, Work, Finance, Social Life, Environment & Contribution.

Step 1 is reflection on what went well in 2024
1: What worked well for you in 2024?
What did you enjoy?
Did your plans work out how you wanted or better?
There are so many blessings in our lives each and every day.
If you focus on the small stuff first you may see that life goes your way more than you may realise – the small stuff really is the big stuff!
2: What did you do that supported this success?
How did you bring success into your life?
There are so many things in our lives that we cannot control and so it’s best to just focus on what you can control.
The only person who has control over your life is YOU and the only life you can control is YOUR OWN.
Did you work hard at something and then reap the rewards?
3. What brought you joy and happiness in 2024?
When were you at your happiest in 2024?
Think about what you were doing, who were you with, where were you? Knowing what brings us happiness allows us to bring more happiness and joy into our lives.
You want to be spending as much time as possible with those who bring out the best in you. The more you bring out the best in yourself, the more you can bring out the best in others.
4. Are you happy with where you spent your time in 2024?
Time is so precious – we all have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks in a year but nobody knows how many years we have!
This realisation always makes me so determined to live life to the fullest every single day and that means spending my time where I am happy spending it.
Where did your precious time go in 2024?
Are you happy with where your time was spent in 2024?
Did you fully enjoy every minute of every day?
That’s Step 1 of your Annual Review done!
Step 2 is reflection on what didn’t go well in 2024
1. What didn’t go well in 2024?
When did your plans not work out in 2024?
What happened that you didn’t enjoy?
No matter how much we plan, no matter how much we try to control our plans there are times when things just don’t go our way.
In his book ‘Green Lights’, Matthew Mc Conaughey talks about the fact that if we only had green lights in life, if there were no amber or red lights, then life would be very boring and we would never grow and evolve.
Such truth and wisdom in that.
2. What challenges got in your way?
Were there challenges that got in your way in 2024?
Challenges can turn into opportunities for success if we take the time to evaluate and learn from them.
What can you do to eliminate these challenges?
If you can’t eliminate the challenges, how can you think about them differently?
We all have compete control over our thoughts and just reframing things in our mind can turn challenges into opportunities for success.
3. What didn’t bring you joy and happiness in 2024?
Happiness and unhappiness go hand in hand – no human life is devoid of unhappiness.
Acceptance of this goes a long way to find out what exactly makes us unhappy.
When were you at your unhappiest in 2024?
Think about what you were doing, who were you with, where were you?
Knowing what makes us unhappy allows us to think deeper about the role certain people, situations, interactions and places play in our levels of happiness.
What did you do to understand and alleviate your unhappiness?
4. Where would you have liked to have spent more time in 2024?
As mentioned above, we all know time is precious – we all have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks in a year but nobody knows how many years we have.
Where would you have liked to have spent more time in 2024?
Think about all of the key areas of your life from your Wheel of Life – did you spend too much time in some areas and not enough in others?
What areas would you have liked to have spent more time in?
How balanced is your life in terms of where you spend your time?
That’s Step 2 of your Annual Review done!
Step 3 is reflection on learnings in all areas of your life in 2024
The only way we grow and evolve as humans is by learning more and by turning these learnings into action that propels us forward.
Work through the categories of your life in your Wheel of life and ask yourself the following questions,
Sense of Self – what did you learn about yourself? How did you grow and evolve as a person? Did you dedicate enough time to personal development?
Relationships – what did you learn about your relationship with yourself? Has your relationship with yourself improved? What did you learn about your relationship with others? Has your relationship with others improved?
Health – what did you learn about your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health? Did your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health improve or decline?
Work – what did you learn about your work? Are you growing and developing in your work? Does your work improve your life? Does your work disimprove your life?
Finance – what did you learn about finance? Did your financial situation improve? Did your financial situation disimprove?
Social Life/Recreation – what did you learn about socialising and recreation? Did you have enough fun & recreation?
Environment – what did you learn about your environment ? Did your environment improve or disimprove? For me, environment relates to my home and also our planet, both are of immense importance to me and bring me happiness and joy.
Contribution – what did you learn about contribution? Did you give more to the world in terms of your time, money or skills? Did you make the world a better place by giving more? Giving doesn’t have to be grand gestures, giving in the smallest possible way can often be the most impactful.
That’s your Annual Review done!
I wish you success, health and happiness as you look back at the year gone by and even more success, health and happiness as you look forward to the year ahead.
Thanks for reading,
x x
If you want to carry out your own annual review, download your Annual Review Workbook below 😊