Image Credit: Madhuri Gupta
Our emotions, whether consciously or subconsciously drive every single thing we do.
Emotions are not only in the driving seat, they’ve got Google Maps!
Our emotions set the direction & determine our each and every move.
They determine what we say & how we say it, determine what we think and subsequently determine what comes in and out of our lives.
Pretty important yeah?
Well worth some time to evaluate and understand!
So, for today, tomorrow and beyond, where do you want your emotions to take you?
The image above is the Emotional Guidance Scale. This is attributed to Abraham Hicks and is a scale of emotions going from the highest of joy, empowerment, love, freedom to the lowest of fear, powerlessness & depression.
Take a look at the emotional scale, create some quiet time for yourself and have a think about where you currently are on this emotional scale, what are your underlying emotions each and every day?
Of course our emotions can fluctuate during the day but at a high level we will find ourselves in and around a few numbers on the scale.
Are you on the upward spiral where you are feeling hopeful, optimistic, positive, enthusiastic & content?
Are you on the downward spiral where you are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, disappointed, doubtful, worried, angry & discouraged?
Wherever you are on this scale, ask what is contributing to your emotions and what changes can you make to move yourself up the upward spiral.
Every one of us should be aiming for & moving towards the pinnacle of the upper scale spiral of joy, knowledge, empowerment, freedom, love and appreciation. I smile just thinking about these words!
After taking on way too much work & many steep learning curves last year, I was hovering around overwhelmed, frustrated, disappointed & impatient and had much work to do to climb back to the upward spiral of hopeful, positive, enthusiastic and content!
Where are you on the Emotional Scale?
Where would you like to be?
How will you get there?
Thanks for reading,
x x