Image Credit: Madhuri Gupta
Following on from my previous blog post ‘A Guide To Your Mid Year Personal Review’,
Step 5 of your Mid Year Review is getting SERIOUS about your GOALS for the next 6 months.
This is my favourite part of the Mid Year Review as it is where you take your learnings from the first 4 steps and turn them into PURPOSEFUL PERSONAL GOALS!
So how do you set PURPOSEFUL PERSONAL GOALS for the rest of 2022?
Here are six simple steps to Personal Goal Setting.
1.Buy notebook – I highly recommend physically writing your goals down, if you don’t write your goals down somewhere it’s very easy to forget them and not be accountable to them. Henriette Anne Klauser’s excellent book ‘Write It Down, Make It Happen’ explains the science behind writing down your goals and their increased chance of success.
2. Divide your life into categories, this creates your Wheel of Life. If you can’t think of categories you can use my Wheel of Life below or your own version of it. The categories of my life are Relationships, Health & Fitness, Personal Development, Career/Work/Purpose, Finance, Social Life/Recreation, Environment & Contribution.
3. Set goals for each area of your life with the timeline of the end of December 2022. Don’t forget to DREAM BIG as Robin Sharma advises. (Document these in your notebook)
4. Work on your goals EVERY DAY (Document what you do in your notebook)
5. Review your goals EVERY DAY (Document your progress in your notebook)
6. Celebrate and acknowledge progress of your goals EVERY DAY (Document this in your notebook)
The above will build a habit of working on, documenting and reviewing progress of your goals EVERY DAY.
This gives your goals the best chance of success and will ensure you are learning about goal setting, achieving and reviewing EVERY SINGLE DAY.
The acronym SERIOUS can support you to set goals for the rest of 2022 in all of the key areas of your life.
Go through your Wheel of Life (or use mine) and ask yourself the following questions for each of the key areas of your life,
What will you stop doing that is not supporting you?
Do you have habits that you want to stop?
Do you have behaviours that you want to stop?
Who do you need to engage with to support you?
Are there relationships you need to give more time to?
Are there relationships you need to give less time to?
Do you need to find a coach and/or mentor?
What do you physically need to remove from your life/work/business?
What do you mentally/emotionally need to remove like beliefs & stories you tell yourself?
What do you need to remove electronically – electronic space also takes up mental headspace!
If your life is full, there is no room for anything else to enter!
What will you improve in each area of your life?
What is working for you that you want to build on?
What parts of your life do you love that you want more of?
How will you open your mind, grow, evolve and move out of your comfort zone?
Your comfort zone is exactly that – comfortable.
There is no growth there, you will only grow by moving outside of your comfort zone.
What do you need to learn about to move you out of your comfort zone?
How will you understand more about each area of your life?
How will you understand more about yourself?
How will you understand more about others?
What will you start?
Our lives are already overflowing with busy and so to start something new, we need to create the precious time, space and energy to do so.
It’s better to focus on everything else in SERIOUS (especially STOP & REMOVE) so you can create the physical, mental and emotional time & space to start something new!
That’s it, answer these quick & easy questions to get SERIOUS about PERSONAL GOAL SETTING in every area of your life for the rest of 2022.
Whether this was your first time setting Personal Goals or you have been doing this for many years, I hope you learn something new during your Personal Goal setting process.
More importantly, I hope you TAKE ACTION!
Goal setting is only as good as the ACTION YOU TAKE.
I wish you happiness, joy, success and purposeful, positive change for the rest of 2022 and beyond.
If you missed my post on ‘A Guide To Your Mid Year Personal Review’, you can find it here,
‘A Guide To Your Mid Year Personal Review’
Thanks for reading,
x x