The REAL MAGIC OF GOAL SETTING is not found in achieving your goals but in the process of working towards your goals and what that process brings you.
The process of working towards your goals brings much learning, growth, enjoyment, understanding and fulfilment. Even if you never reach your goals, focusing on the process and what that brings means you are super successful before you even start!
The REAL GOAL of goal setting is THE PERSON YOU BECOME through the process of goal setting and working towards your goal.
Not only is this a magical way to think but it totally removes any pressure that might be attached to goals. Reaching your goals then becomes an added bonus to the REAL GOAL.
If the REAL MAGIC is the process and the PERSON YOU BECOME then every step forwards and even every step backwards is a WIN!
If the REAL MAGIC is the process in terms of what you learn, how much you grow, how much you enjoy, understand and are fulfilled along the way then every day is a WIN!
‘Once you realise that the road is the goal and that you are always on the road, not to reach a goal, but to enjoy it’s beauty and wisdom, life ceases to be a task and becomes natural and simple, it itself an ecstasy’ Nisargadatta Maharaj
One of my favourite quotes explains this so well,
‘The Journey is the Reward’ Chinese Proverb
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