What does the currency of time mean to you?
TIME is finite yet TIME is infinite.
We all have the same 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year yet no one knows how many years we have in our lifetime.
This isn’t something most people think about on a daily basis but none of us have infinite TIME.
One of my favourite quotes is from Jim Rohn,
‘Time is more valuable than money. You can always get more money, but you cannot get more time.’
Prior to Covid I was working full-time, juggling many side hustles and living life at an unsustainable speed. This level of over working impacted the amount of time I had to spend on all other areas of my life.
I was absolutely TIME POOR!
In 2020, Covid slowed down all of our lives and I enjoyed not running & racing around trying to get everything done. I started to really enjoy the gift of time instead of always complaining about its absence and how I needed more.
I then left the working world in October 2021 and I received the most precious gift – THE GIFT OF TIME.
The GIFT OF TIME is truly one of the greatest gifts I have ever received and I want to ensure I get to enjoy this precious gift at this level for the rest of my life.
Whilst we can’t make more time we can absolutely utilise our time to ensure we are only spending it where we want to spend it.
- We can’t create more time but we can certainly have more TIME FREEDOM by increasing our MONEY, HEALTH & ENERGY wealth
- Having more HEALTH & ENERGY means you can enjoy your time more
- Having more MONEY means you have more options in terms of where you spend your time
One of the most important elements of the currency of TIME is how much of your own TIME you give to yourself.
- It’s very important to give yourself the precious GIFT OF TIME
- Your TIME belongs to you and you decide how you spend it
- How much TIME in your day is solely used for yourself?
- How much TIME do you plan every day for yourself?
My favourite episode of the Diary of a CEO podcast is the one with Jimmy Carr titled ‘The Easiest Way To Live A Happier Life’. Jimmy is not only a genius comedian but also a deep philosophical thinker who is wise beyond his age and time. I’ve watched this interview on YouTube many times and my favourite part is where Steven asks Jimmy what he thought happiness was.
Jimmy simply said,
‘Happiness is enjoying the passage of time’
How fabulous is that?
Imagine, the sheer simplicity of happiness being enjoying the passage of our precious resource of time. I absolutely love this philosophy and have infused this philosophy throughout every aspect of my life since I first heard it.
To enjoy the passage of time, we must first be aware of and have the precious resource of time.
How important is the CURRENCY OF TIME to you?
Do you give yourself enough of THE GIFT OF TIME?
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x x