What do you do to relax?
From the list of what brings me JOY one if the things I do to relax is watch Netflix.
I arrived at the Netflix party late. Friends at work had been taking about Netflix for ages and as I didn’t have it I could only imagine the JOY they all shared from it.
When I left work in late 2021, I needed a break from all things work and so I looked for something to do that wasn’t work!
This was difficult for me.
Writing had become work, social media had become work, reading and listening to podcasts had become work as all I read and listened to was business books & podcasts.
My entire existence and everything I did had become work!
What could I focus on that wasn’t any of the above?
The answer was Netflix ❤️
The productivity & hustle culture are not fans of Netflix as they think watching Netflix isn’t time well spent.
I totally disagree with this.
I think watching Netflix is absolutely TIME SPENT VERY WELL!
Here are the many benefits of Netflix and why I think it’s a great way to spend your time and relax,
• Netflix is relaxing – you need to rest, recover and relax to function optimally
• Netflix is educational – there are some incredible documentaries on Netflix – some of the best I’ve seen are Downfall, Dope, Seaspiracy.
• Netflix is inspiring – there are some brilliant inspirational biography documentaries on Netflix which I love. Stultz is my favourite- if you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it.
• Netflix combines genius writing with genius acting and genius cinematography. My favourite series include Breaking Bad (the best TV i have ever watched!), Ozark, Narcos, Narcos Mexico & The Queen’s Gambit.
• It’s mobile – you can watch Netflix anywhere at any time on your mobile phone – efficiency at it’s best
• Netflix is very affordable – Netflix is relatively cheap, the biggest cost is your time!
The documentary that inspired this email is ‘Human – the world within’.
If you watch one thing on Netflix, let it be this! ‘Human – the world within’ is a most fascinating documentary series on the complexity, vastness and powerful machine we all inhabit – THE HUMAN BODY.
What do you do to relax that brings you JOY?
Have you found the JOY of Netflix?
Do you have any Netflix recommendations? I’m always looking for new things to watch!
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