In my blog posts ‘The 9R’s to Eliminate Overwhelm’ and ‘Il Dolce Far Niente’ I wrote about ways to eliminate overwhelm, another way of dealing with overwhelm is through procrastination.
Procrastination is defined as ‘the habit of voluntarily delaying an important task usually by focusing on less urgent, more enjoyable and easier tasks instead’.
The internet has many videos & articles on how to overcome procrastination, how to stop procrastination, and how to deal with and how to cope with procrastination. All of these videos and articles have one central theme – that procrastination is a bad thing.
I think procrastination is a good thing and we can learn much from it.
I procrastinate all the time – show me something that’s boring, tedious, takes ages, or that I don’t like doing and I can literally delay it forever.
This teaches me a lot about what I like to do and what I don’t like to do.
What I delay is always, without exception things I don’t like doing.
What I don’t delay is always, without exception things I like to do
This makes procrastination a great teacher.
Procrastination teaches us what we don’t like to do.
Procrastination also teaches us what we do like to do.
In terms of overwhelm there are a few ways to utilise procrastination and treat it as a friend not a foe,
1.Delay what you don’t like doing – move what you don’t like doing to tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. The simple act of delaying what you don’t like to do can reduce overwhelm significantly.
2. Delay what you do like doing – just because you like doing something doesn’t mean it needs to get done today! Move what you do like doing to tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. The simple act of delaying what you do like to do can also reduce overwhelm significantly.
3. Outsource what you can. I’m a firm believer in outsourcing everything that others can do for you. This frees you up to focus solely on what only you can do in your life and business.
Note: It’s more enjoyable to outsource what you don’t like to do but you can also outsource what you do like to do. The most important thing is that you free up your time to focus solely on what only you can do in your life and business.
This reduces overwhelm dramatically as your ‘to do list’ become someone else’s ‘to do list’!
My blog post ‘How to Free Up Your Time Using Online Outsourcing’ can support you with online outsourcing.
4. Prioritise what you absolutely have to get done – My blog post The Priority Matrix can support you with this. The simple act of prioritising can reduce overwhelm significantly as you realise everything doesn’t have to be done straight away!
How can you leverage the power of procrastination?
What can procrastination teach you?
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